Today’s sketch inspiration is brought to us by Hallmark.

With the holidays finally over, all their 2015 Christmas decoration inventory was on sale and we happened to stumble across this gem for a measly $3.74! Can you say, “Done deal!”


Don’t usually indulge in this kind of thing, but just looking at the box made me want to draw it already!


As soon as we got in the car, I cracked this puppy open to check out the quality. Considering this thing is all of an inch and half tall, the attention to detail is impressive.


And like a true nerd, I took pictures of it when I got home and added some dramatic lighting. Sooo cool, right?


And that brings me to my sketch. Took me about a little over an hour or so with Photoshop.


Here’s a nice little closeup of Megatron’s head.



Here he is in all his glory. Thanks for looking and cheers!

Written by admin