Mr. Worden did such a great job starting the season off with his episode that we decided to use him to finish off the season as well. So I guess you can say our second season ended with a bang, or more appropriately a starshot!
(Below: Images used to represent the evolution of tech that could possibly allow space travel. )
(Above: Early concept of the laser cat used to power starchip’s propulsion into deep space. )
(Below: Rough concept of our laser cat powering up. *Click to play gif. )
(Above: Steven knocking sense into a bird, literally. )
(Below: Nerd scientist having his mind blown, literally. )
(Above: The composition shot of the space passenger bird. )
(Below: Different states of our passenger bird before things went sideways. )
(Above: Galileo Bird discovering earth isn’t the center of the universe. )
(Below: Rejected design of a anti-heliocentric Pope Bird. )
To wrap up the season, we thought that we would upgrade our older and more wiser credit birds. Matt got wireless earbuds a new iphone, and from the looks of it, it is a plus. Steven got a fancy plaid shirt and some bling. Tad got some cutting edge video tech, a tripod. Myself? My little guy was upgraded to a WACOM stylus. BOOM!
Well thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this season along with us. Until next time…
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